The Souls under the Altar

Pastor John,

I was reading what you said about the state of dead saints, that those martyrs who were under the altar of God were asking God how long it would be until their deaths were avenged. God told them to wait until their brothers finished their course, who were about to be killed the same way they had been.

My question is, who does this comment cover? Just the saints who live on earth after the death of those saints under God’s altar? Or does it include all saints throughout time who have been martyred for faithfulness to God?


When God mentioned that certain brothers were about to be martyred the way those souls under His altar had been martyred, He was referring to believers who were about be killed in a time of great persecution which is still to come.


As I kept reading what you wrote about the state of dead saints, another question came: “How will God avenge these martyred souls?” Then I thought, “Well, I guess it will be when the Second Death occurs, for then those who have put to death God’s faithful saints.”
Just some thoughts I was having while reading on the web sight.

Tony E


Thanks for the question and comment, Tony.

Yes, the horrific Second Death will be God’s final justification of His beloved Son and His fiercest vengeance against all rebellion and rejection of Jesus. “God is not mocked”; therefore, the Second Death is unavoidable for sinners. We trust God, and we believe He will judge every soul in perfect righteousness; indeed, we love God for the same reason we fear Him: His perfect judgments and His grace.

Pastor John