In a recent excerpt from your book, “God Had a Son before Mary Did”, you quoted a verse from your NT translation which has demons referring to “the” Son of God. If demons did not know about the pre-existent Son of God, wouldn’t they have said “a” Son of God instead of “the” Son of God? Your translation has the Roman centurion saying “Surely this man was A son of God”. I was just wondering if the demons would have said that, too.
Billy H.
In the Greek text which quotes the demons as saying “the Son of God”, the word “the” is there, so that is what they said. But what I learned as I researched the book, Billy, is that one title the Jews used at the time for the Messiah was “the Son of God”. So, when demons said “the Son of God”, they too would have had the Messiah in mind. They knew a Messiah was coming, and that he would be very great, but of the pre-existent Son of God, they knew nothing – just like everybody else in the universe.
Pastor John