Category: NetMail

  • The Azusa Street Outpouring   Pastor John,   I just finished watching this video. It begins with a 1970s interview with eye–witnesses who were there at the outpouring of the Spirit on folks at Azusa street. Their account of…

  • The Hidden Son

    Brother John, The reading of the Father and Son is revealing things I have never heard said before. Some of the things are so intimate – and make it so apparent that…

  • Montanus Reading: Deliberate Evil

    Pastor John, Tonight, for the first time, I saw that the founders of the religious system of Christianity did not arbitrarily choose (or make up) the rules for Christian worship.  Seeing that their…

  • Montanus Reading

    I had to stop and get this out before I sanded my next board!  If I don’t, who knows how it will turn out!  I feel like Jesus dog-eared a page of the Montanus reading in…

  • Short Dream This Morning

    Hi Pastor John,  In my dream, I was writing and singing a part of a song to the Lord. The only line that I remember is, “I want to fall in love…

  • Christian’s First Duty

    If someone were to ask me what a Christian’s first allegiance lies, I would say that a Christian’s first allegiance is to the government.  And in spite of all that they say,…

  • Still Feasting!

    Good morning John, I wish I could write like Leeann, Beth, Michelle etc.  They express themselves so clearly.  But, I have to write something about how I’m feeling. Last night was so…

  • Last Night

    Good morning! I was thinking about last night and how sweet and encouraging it was.  Once again, I love the connections that can be made to my own children and how I…

  • Knowing God

    Still feeling the wonderful effects of yesterday’s meeting.  Between that, and the wonderful readings: Montanus and Father and Son, I feel so richly blessed.  Asking Jesus to let it go deep.  What you…

  • Montanus Sentences

    Hi Pastor John, Doris and I are amazed at the book that you were able to write about Montanus from the little information of one liners and two liners that you were…