Category: Q&A

  •  Israel’s Temple Was a Church?

    Pastor John,  I listened to the Saturday fireside chat and you talked about making some changes to your Old Testament translation, in particular, using the word “church” instead of “house” and/or “temple”…

  • False Prophets

    Pastor John, Is a false apostle in the same kind of condition as a false prophet?  Meaning, just as a false prophet in the Old Testament once had to be a real prophet to qualify to…

  • The Flood

    John, This morning around the fire, we all were talking about the Flood video we watched last night at your house. (Bing Videos)  We got onto the subject of fish fossils in different…

  • 1Corinthians 11

    Hey, I had another thought about 1Corinthians 11:17 to the end of the chapter, and I wanted to throw it out there.   I wonder if the Corinthians were starting to participate in a Christian-like eating ceremony and calling it the…

  • Jesus Hidden in a Good Way

    Pastor John, I had the thought today that the religion of Christianity has kept Jesus hidden from this world—in a good way. If the only people in all the world declaring to…

  •  “The” law

    John, I loved being in the translating session this morning…. With zero understanding of Greek, this question may be beyond my understanding, but if the article (the) is present in the Greek text, is there a…

  • Q&A: Leavened bread in Leviticus 7, Part Two

    Pastor John I, too, do not know why leaven was required by God in certain cases, but I have noticed a consistent feature of when peace offerings were required. The only feast…

  • Leavened bread in Leviticus 7, Part One

    Pastor John, I was reading Leviticus 7 this morning, and noticed that in verse 13, God tells Moses to tell the people to bring “leavened bread” as part of their peace offerings…

  • Question regarding – 1John 5:7–8

    Pastor John, What is John saying here, in 1John 5: For there are three that bear witness: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood.  And these three agree. Beth D. ========== Hi Beth.…

  • Question regarding marriage: 1Corinthians 7:14

    Good morning Pastor John, Kevin and I were listening to a tract on Marriage and Divorce (Going to Tracts – Marriage and Divorce).  We talked about how the holy Ghost is…