Category: Q&A

  • To Forgive or Not to Forgive

    Good morning, Pastor John.  I am confused.  I know that when Jesus was on the cross, he asked God to “forgive them for they know not what they do.”  But in Psalm…

  • Lamentation 3:33

    Good morning John,  I enjoyed reading Lamentations this morning (our translation is so good!)  Some verses in Chapter 3 stood out to me for their encouragement.  Some reminded me of Job and…

  • Psalm 19:13

    I wonder if there will come a day when God commands us (should we be found worthy), not to pray for Gods children in Christianity any more. That makes me tremble.  I…

  • Job Study: Anna

    Hi, Pastor John. I have loved the lessons you have taught us from Job.  Here are some of my thoughts and highlights from last night’s teaching. Knowing God’s voice is knowing God,…

  • Matthew 3:16

    Hey John, In Matthew 3:16, which of the pronouns he/him refer to John the Baptist?  I assume it’s the two that I underlined:  “And after he was baptized, Jesus came up immediately…

  • The World in Man’s Heart

    Tonight, I read from Ecclesiastes 3:10–11, “I have seen the busyness that God has given to the sons of man to keep busy with.  He has made everything beautiful in its time. …

  • Fallen Angels

    John, When Jonathan asked the question (below), I don’t think I ever put 2 and 2 together like I did reading this. And are they all still alive today and all the…

  • Evil Spirits before Satan Was Cast Out

    Hi John, I was listening to the audio Bible book of Luke on the way to work this morning, and when it came to Luke 11:14, when Jesus cast out the dumb…

  • The ‘Antichrist’ Gospel Tract

    Dear Pastor John, I hope you and Barbara are doing well. The reason I’m writing to you is that I am right now translating the “Antichrist” gospel tract*, and there is one…

  • Saved before Baptized with the Spirit?

    Pastor John, I’ve been truly blessed by the music and teaching from the Spirit is the Witness* fellowship. I do have a question about the Holy Spirit’s working in a believer.  I…