Category: Q&A
Coming Out
Pastor John, I have a question for you. Paul said in Romans 8:14, “for as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”…
John, Would it be true if we said that Cornelius was neither a Christian nor a Jew? and that since God gave him the holy Ghost, neither Judaism nor Christianity is required?…
Hebrews 9:4
In the King James Version, Hebrews 9:4 has “censer”, where your translation has “incense altar”. I am just curious as to why the difference. Wendell S. ========== Hi Wendell. In cases such…
The Midianites in Numbers 31
Hey there, I had a question while reading through Numbers for our Old Testament class.* In Numbers 10:29-32, it says: And Moses said to Hobab ben-Reuel the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, “We are…
Zoli – God’s Son and Mary’s Son
Dear Pastor John, You write in the Father and Son book** that the Son of God came to earth when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, and after Jesus came out…
How Long Did the Crusades Last?
John, Did the crusades last 2 centuries? Wendell =========== Hi Wendell, The first Christian Crusade to recover territory for the Pope was in 1095. Crusades to recover Palestine continued, sporadically, for two centuries…
Anti-Christ and Tartarization
Pastor John, Is an anti-Christ spirit a tartarized spirit? Billy M. ======== Yes, Billy, the spirit of anti-Christ is a spirit that is damned before the Final Judgment, but cursed to live…
Questions from the Pentateuch
I am sending three questions from the Old Testament Steve Question #1. In Exodus 24, we are told that Moses and Aaron and sons, along with 70 elders saw and had a…
The god of this World
Pastor John, When does the Bible state that Satan became the god of this world? Margarite ========= Hi Margarite! The Bible never tells us when Satan became the god of this world. …
Sacrificing Children
John, It has always been hard to even read the parts of the Old Testament which speak of babies being sacrificed to Baal. In reading about that this morning, I wondered if…