Category: Q&A

  • John 18:26 

    Good Morning, Pastor John, John 18:28 says, “Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium, and it was early morning.  But they did not enter the praetorium so that they would not…

  • Tartarus

    Hi, Pastor John; I enjoyed the Hell book* reading, and it brought to me the fear of God and soberness, talking about Tartaus and eternal damnation.  I have had this question on my…

  • Who Will Be Able to Stand?

    I love this.  God keeps his children protected – we need only obey the Spirit and stay pure.  The rest is God takes care of. John, I do have a question about…

  • Exodus 22:20

    Good Morning John, Can you please explain Exodus22:20:  “Whoever sacrifices to gods other than Jehovah alone shall be devoted.” In the King James Version it says, “He shall be utterly destroyed.” Just wondered…

  • Proverbs 8

    Pastor John,  In ‘The Father and the Son’ gospel tract* you attribute Proverbs 8 to King David. Is that an error? I learned that Solomon wrote most, if not all, the proverbs.…

  • Martin Luther

    Hi, Pastor John. I watched a Netflix movie about Martin Luther. Though dramatized, I liked how it showed the basic history of the Roman Church. In one part it shows Martin Luther…

  • Matthew 12:20

    Pastor John, Would you expound on this part of the verse below? “…until he send forth justice in victory.” “A bruised reed, he will not break, and smoldering flax he will not quench,…

  • “Get saved”

    Hey, Pastor John! When did the “get saved” doctrine start?  I’m sure you’ve said it before.  I looked online and couldn’t find anything that really points to a date.  Was there a…

  • God’s Judgments

    Good morning John, I know that this may seem like a very simple question, but can you explain what God’s judgments are.  I can assume that they are decisions on life matters…

  • Isaiah 58:7

    Good morning John, The Blog on Isaiah 58 blessed me yesterday.  That and today’s Random Thought (9/22) on “Preparing Your Heart” both mention the scriptures in Isaiah 58 on the true fast.   In…