Category: Q&A
Martin Luther
Hi, Pastor John. I watched a Netflix movie about Martin Luther. Though dramatized, I liked how it showed the basic history of the Roman Church. In one part it shows Martin Luther…
Matthew 12:20
Pastor John, Would you expound on this part of the verse below? “…until he send forth justice in victory.” “A bruised reed, he will not break, and smoldering flax he will not quench,…
“Get saved”
Hey, Pastor John! When did the “get saved” doctrine start? I’m sure you’ve said it before. I looked online and couldn’t find anything that really points to a date. Was there a…
God’s Judgments
Good morning John, I know that this may seem like a very simple question, but can you explain what God’s judgments are. I can assume that they are decisions on life matters…
Isaiah 58:7
Good morning John, The Blog on Isaiah 58 blessed me yesterday. That and today’s Random Thought (9/22) on “Preparing Your Heart” both mention the scriptures in Isaiah 58 on the true fast. In…
Peace, Joy, Love
Pastor John, I have a question. If a person doesn’t have a Holy Spirit within them it means that he/she can’t experience peace, joy, love, and the fruit of the spirit. They…
Joshua 9
Good morning, Pastor John, What is the lesson for us in Joshua honoring an agreement with someone that is deceptive? And that story in Judges is not the first time that happened. …
Mark 10:19–21
Pastor John, After reading through all three parts of your blog on Lawlessness, the scriptures below came to mind, and how Jesus loved this man who had kept the Law. I have…
Judges 20
Pastor John, In Judges 20*, why were the first two sets of Israelite men defeated when they were fighting at Gibeah? They inquired of Jehovah, and He said go, but it wasn’t…
Amos 9:6
Pastor John, In your translation of Amos 9:6*, can you elaborate on “vault” means? Thanks, Wendell ======== Be glad to, Wendell! Here is our translation of Amos 9:6: It is He who…