Category: Q&A
Good morning John, Jerry mentioned about a husband’s place over his wife being an anointing, and I wanted to ask you about that. I had never thought of the husband’s authority as…
God Introducing His Son
Pastor John, I read this: “And after he was baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God,…
“Am I Baptized with the Spirit?”
Hi Pastor John, I have had this question for many years. I speak in other tongues but never experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A brother prayed for me one time…
Genesis 4:7
Hey there! I was reading in Genesis and have a question about verse 4:7. “If you do good, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do good, sin is…
Being Quiet
John, Am I correct in saying that Jesus didn’t always give an answer when he knew the truth? JWS ======== Hi Wendell. Funny you should ask that question. Just yesterday, I was…
Modern Religion and Timelines
Evening, I hope you and yours are well. I had an interesting thought that came from an observation I had in listening and watching conservative news shows and commentaries recently. The observation…
Do I Have the Spirit?
Pastor John, I have had this question for many years. I speak in other tongues but never experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A brother prayed for me one time for…
The Father and the Son*
Hello and blessings, Is the author still around? Have a question, why does he use the word “created” in respect to the Son? Because by context it appears author believes Christ is…
Ephesians 4:8
Ephesians 4:8: “Wherefore it says, “When he ascended on high, he took captivity captive, and he gave gifts to men.” Bro John, Is Ephesians 4:8 referring to the moment Paradise was transferred…
Where Are the Old Testament Patriarchs?
Hi Pastor John, We’re at the pickleball court having a discussion about where is the location of the righteous Old Testament patriarchs right now? Some of us thought that they’re in a…