Category: Q&A
Why Not Capitalize “holy”?
I read your article* about evidence, ie, speaking in tongues, to receive salvation. I’m very curious to know why you didn’t capitalize Holy. you say “holy Spirit”. that is not biblical. all…
Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart
Hi Pastor John, I’m reading through Exodus and wondering why God continued to hardened Pharaohs heart up until the very end? Michelle and I are really enjoying and learning a lot in…
Tongues in 1Corinthians 14
Pastor John, I was having a conversation with someone today about speaking in tongues and how they thought that if you were going to speak in tongues that there needed to be…
A Sin Revival?
Pastor John, Is there such a thing as a sin revival? Thanks, Jammie C. ======= Hi Jammie. I have never heard of such a thing; however, it is possible – but not…
Zechariah 3:9
Hi Pastor John, I’ve been reading in Zechariah and I have a question about 3:9. I understand the context is about Jesus. But what are the “seven eyes” referring to? I imagine…
Matthew Being a Tax Collector
Pastor John, I am just curious about something. What would have been the perks for Matthew to be a tax collector? It must have been hard for him to have everyone hate…
Genesis 4 – Cain’s Fear
Hi Pastor John, During our Old Testament class* we are taking with Mark, Brad and Allison, Mark asked, “where did the other people come from?” Today, Michelle and I were listening to…
Leviticus 23:27, 32 – “Afflict Your Soul”
Pastor John, What does afflict your souls mean in these verses? Leviticus 23:27. “Also, on the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day for Atonements; it shall be a…
Colossians 2:16-17
John, Since in Colossians 2:17 “are” is used, is Paul saying the law had not passed away at that time, or is he just communicating it will always be a shadow? Therefore,…
Colossians 1:23
Pastor John, How can Paul say the hope of the Gospel has been preached to very creature ? I understand creation speaks to the heart that there is a Creator and that…