Category: Q&A

  • Why Not Capitalize “holy”?

    I read your article* about evidence, ie, speaking in tongues, to receive salvation.  I’m very curious to know why you didn’t capitalize Holy.  you say “holy Spirit”.  that is not biblical.  all…

  • Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart

    Hi Pastor John,  I’m reading through Exodus and wondering why God continued to hardened Pharaohs heart up until the very end? Michelle and I are really enjoying and learning a lot in…

  • Tongues in 1Corinthians 14

    Pastor John, I was having a conversation with someone today about speaking in tongues and how they thought that if you were going to speak in tongues that there needed to be…

  • A Sin Revival?

    Pastor John, Is there such a thing as a sin revival? Thanks, Jammie C. ======= Hi Jammie. I have never heard of such a thing; however, it is possible – but not…

  • Zechariah 3:9

    Hi Pastor John, I’ve been reading in Zechariah and I have a question about 3:9. I understand the context is about Jesus. But what are the “seven eyes” referring to?  I imagine…

  • Matthew Being a Tax Collector

    Pastor John,  I am just curious about something.  What would have been the perks for Matthew to be a tax collector?  It must have been hard for him to have everyone hate…

  • Genesis 4 – Cain’s Fear

    Hi Pastor John,  During our Old Testament class* we are taking with Mark, Brad and Allison, Mark asked, “where did the other people come from?” Today, Michelle and I were listening to…

  • Leviticus 23:27, 32 – “Afflict Your Soul”

    Pastor John, What does afflict your souls mean in these verses? Leviticus 23:27. “Also, on the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day for Atonements; it shall be a…

  • Colossians 2:16-17

    John, Since in Colossians 2:17 “are” is used, is Paul saying the law had not passed away at that time, or is he just communicating it will always be a shadow? Therefore,…

  • Colossians 1:23

    Pastor John, How can Paul say the hope of the Gospel has been preached to very creature ?  I understand creation speaks to the heart that there is a Creator and that…