Category: Q&A

  • Our Sabbath

    Hi Pastor John,  Reading in Exodus and have a question. Exodus 24:9-11 Wow! How amazing that must have been.  Seventy-four of them experienced that together! Makes me daydream! When it says they…

  • Numbers 20: Believing and Sanctifying God

    Good morning,  I am really enjoying Moses.  I stopped at Uzziel in The Jerusalem Council because I just want to go back to the beginning with Moses and when God was giving him the…

  • Balaam in Numbers 22-24

    I’m digging in Numbers to learn about the sin of Balaam.  Revelation 2:14 talked about him casting a stumbling block before Israel.  Where can I find more about him doing that?  Beth…

  • The Writings of John

    Good morning,  Recently Jimmy told of his wonderful experiences reading The Jerusalem Council book.  He provoked me to jealously!  Something he said struck my heart that day.  Jimmy said he gave God the…

  • Revelation 11:19

    Hi, Pastor John. Is the, “ark of His Covenant” in Revelation 11:19 Jesus the Son of God, or the ark of the Old Testament Temple?  “Then God’s temple in heaven opened, and…

  • When Did Rule over the Earth Change?

    Hey Pastor John, As it says in Genesis, God made ‘man’ in his image, and made him to rule over every living thing on this earth, and the earth.  My question is…

  • Satan’s Form during the Temptation (Part 2)

    Thank you, Pastor John, for the reply to my earlier questions.  I was curious as to what form Satan took on when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness.  In scripture, it mentions…

  • When Was the Son’s Part Revealed? (Part 1)

    Hi Pastor John,  We have been enjoying the Genesis readings very much and look forward to more.  I have a couple of questions as it pertains to the continued references to God creating…

  • Paul and Water Baptism

    Pastor John,  I was talking to a friend today about why we don’t believe in water baptism, and I mentioned that John the Baptist said that someone was coming after him that…

  • God’s Law

    Brother John, I woke in the night and heard this, over and over, and so I wrote it down: “The law is to no one but to who the spirit is speaking.”…