Category: Q&A

  • Time on the New Earth

    Hey John, Dee and I enjoyed listening to the reading this morning. Something that stood out to me was that on the new earth, you have mentioned that time would be no…

  • Prophecy about Jesus’ Grave

    John, Please help me understand the prophecy that says Jesus “made his grave with the wicked and rich in his death.” JWS ========= Hi Wendell, We know that Jesus was buried in the…

  • Adam Saw God Create Things?

    Pastor John, Good morning!  I was listening to Kent Hovind this morning while tidying up. He teaches creation. He made an interesting point and i wondered if u have an opinion or…

  • New Jerusalem

    Yesterday at work, I was just singing randomly, and I started singing about New Jerusalem, and then I had this question:  Is New Jerusalem an actual city/place, or is it the bride of…

  • Human Sympathy Will Do What?

    RE: Solomon’s Wisdom excerpt, December 4, 2020: “Human sympathy will send you to hell.” Okay…I wonder if you expected a few of your flock to not understand this?   Well, I’m stepping up to…

  • John 16:13

    Hi. I was surprised to read your translation with “he” used in this passage.  I was thinking translated as “it”?  Chris A. ========== Hi. Thanks for the question. The antecedent for “he”…

  • Hating God

    Request from website: Pastor, I need Prayer… Pray I can help others in hating God and themselves! Jacob F =========== Hi Jacob. Nobody who knows God hates Him.  He is too humble,…

  • Diocletian as the First Pope

    Pastor John, Would it be a stretch to say Diocletian was the first Pope?  In Cesar and Christ (pg 640-641), I’m interpreting Durant’s work as showing how Diocletian laid the imperial and civil framework…

  • Inexpressible Gift

    2Corinthians 9: But thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift! Pastor John,  Is Paul saying inexpressible gift as in speaking in heavenly tongues or that it is such a gift it…

  • Matthew 3:3 “His Paths”

    Hi John, I went walking tonight after the Matthew reading, and I was recounting the time when Jesus reached down from heaven and convicted my heart of sin on that Sunday morning,…