Category: Q&A

  • Psalm 102

    Pastor John, I was reading the daily thought on the website before bed, and I love it, but have a question. What in those verses tells anyone reading it that one…

  • The Tearing of the Veil

    Pastor John. When Jesus was crucified, what did the tearing of the veil in the temple mean? Thanks Jacob F. =========== Hi Jacob. Good to hear from you. The tearing of the…

  • Paul’s Time Line

    Pastor John, We’re up to the New Testament part in your book, Suffering and the Saints, and Brad asked me when does the New Testament start. I answered correctly that commonly it’s…

  • Ancient Holy Men and Speaking in Tongues

    Pastor John, Did Jewish prophets like Moses or other ministers speak in tongues when they were anointed by the Holy Spirit before the birth of Jesus Christ? Jacob, Hamilton, Ontario. ========= Hi…

  • Slander in the World

    Hey John, In chapter three, you mentioned the three spiritual conditions that have to be present for slander to occur. All of the spiritual conditions are describing children of God. The one…

  • Ministers without the Holy Ghost and Slander

    Hi Pastor John, I was thinking about the emails we have read on slander, and I had a question. I understand in Chapter 3 how ministers (“foolish virgins”) in Christianity with the…

  • The Third Kind of Soil

    Hi, Pastor John. I’m sure the lot of us have been reading and listening to the Slander readings and manuscripts. In one recording from the beach, it was said that the “Four…

  • Communion Services

    Pastor John, As a Christian since 1977 at the age of 34, I have always found the communion service, be it in Presbyterian, Pentecostal or Independent churches to be lifeless. I have…

  • Does Satan Know?

    Pastor John, Does Satan understand who Jesus is, or is he still in the dark about the fact God had a Son? Leah and myself got talking about it and I said…

  • The Book of Enoch

    Pastor John, I’ve been reading the book of Enoch and the book of Jasher. When I was a kid I heard the story of Enoch but his story is so short in…