Category: Q&A

  • Blameless?

    Pastor John, Was Paul really blameless according to the Law when he was persecuting the saints? Wendell =========== Hi Wendell. This is what Paul said about that, from Philippians 3: 4B. If…

  • UPC?

    Pastor John, are you connected with the United Pentecostal Church? Is UPC unitarian? Thank you. Jundy Tandog ========= No, Jundy, I am not associated with that or any other Christian sect. Sectarianism…

  • Satisfied by Jesus

    Dear Pastor John, In reading your material on your website, I’ve come to the conclusion that you take the bible quite literally. Don’t think I can do that, as it leaves me…

  • The Son as “Wisdom”

    Pastotor John, I am studying Proverbs along with your book Solomon’s Wisdom… On page 24/124 of your book where Wisdom is talking in Proverbs 8, you wrote: “When all these things were…

  • Concerning Your Translators

    comments: I was so thrilled to see your site.* Then I read that you do not have scholars to translate the Greek Manuscripts, but Spirit filled saints. How can you translate Greek…

  • Father & Son Book Excerpt – August 16, 2019

    Pastor John, Good Morning, I remember the incident when Jesus drove men out of the temple, but I don’t remember him breaking the Sabbath. Would you mind giving a couple of examples…

  • Will People Be Saved without the Spirit?

    Hey Pastor John, I have a question that I thought about recently. You have said before that there will be more people in heaven then we think, but my question is, is…

  • “Backsliding Heifer”

    John, While reading some scriptures, I realized I didn’t know what the Lord meant referring to Israel as backsliding heifer? Does it possibly mean backing up from a yoke, or does it…

  • Halos and Crowns

    Pastor John, Images of Sol Invictus, the ancient Roman sun-god, appear with a shining halo. Do the halos of ancient mythological gods predate the crowns worn by earthly kings? Did kings at…

  • Passover or Easter?

    Do you keep the Biblical Feast of Passover, or Easter Sunday??? Anthony S. ======== Hi, Anthony, Thank you for writing, and for your question. As for Passover and Easter, we observe neither…