Category: Q&A
Pastor John, Was Paul really blameless according to the Law when he was persecuting the saints? Wendell =========== Hi Wendell. This is what Paul said about that, from Philippians 3: 4B. If…
Pastor John, are you connected with the United Pentecostal Church? Is UPC unitarian? Thank you. Jundy Tandog ========= No, Jundy, I am not associated with that or any other Christian sect. Sectarianism…
Satisfied by Jesus
Dear Pastor John, In reading your material on your website, I’ve come to the conclusion that you take the bible quite literally. Don’t think I can do that, as it leaves me…
The Son as “Wisdom”
Pastotor John, I am studying Proverbs along with your book Solomon’s Wisdom… On page 24/124 of your book where Wisdom is talking in Proverbs 8, you wrote: “When all these things were…
Concerning Your Translators
comments: I was so thrilled to see your site.* Then I read that you do not have scholars to translate the Greek Manuscripts, but Spirit filled saints. How can you translate Greek…
Father & Son Book Excerpt – August 16, 2019
Pastor John, Good Morning, I remember the incident when Jesus drove men out of the temple, but I don’t remember him breaking the Sabbath. Would you mind giving a couple of examples…
Will People Be Saved without the Spirit?
Hey Pastor John, I have a question that I thought about recently. You have said before that there will be more people in heaven then we think, but my question is, is…
“Backsliding Heifer”
John, While reading some scriptures, I realized I didn’t know what the Lord meant referring to Israel as backsliding heifer? Does it possibly mean backing up from a yoke, or does it…
Halos and Crowns
Pastor John, Images of Sol Invictus, the ancient Roman sun-god, appear with a shining halo. Do the halos of ancient mythological gods predate the crowns worn by earthly kings? Did kings at…
Passover or Easter?
Do you keep the Biblical Feast of Passover, or Easter Sunday??? Anthony S. ======== Hi, Anthony, Thank you for writing, and for your question. As for Passover and Easter, we observe neither…