Category: Q&A
When and Why Did God Give Satan Rule over Earth?
Hi, Pastor John. In reading December 9th’s excerpt from the Father and Son book, these questions came to mind: Question #1: When did God give Satan the Earth to rule?” ========== We…
John 16:7
Hi Pastor John, I noticed in our translation of John 16:7 that is says “…for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go…
Wrestling an Angel
Pastor John, In Genesis when Jacob was wrestling with an angel how exactly was he “wrestling”? Was it a literal physical fight or more spiritual or sicknesses? Michelle =========== Hi Michelle: Jacob…
What about Places in History other than the Middle East?
Hey Pastor John, I was thinking about the world during the time of the Bible and I want to know what you think. At what point do you think that the American…
What Does ‘Zion’ Mean?
Pastor John, What does the word “Zion mean”? Leika ========= Hi Leika. The original meaning of the word, “Zion”, is unknown. It appears at times to be associated with fish or fish…
Matthew 28:16-20 “The Great Commission”
Hi pastor John, What does “great commission” mean in Matthew 28:16-20? Thank you, Leika ========= Hi Leika. There is no “great commission” in Matthew 28:16-20. That is a phrase Christians invented and…
Jesus in Torment?
Uncle John, If Jonah was a figure of what would happen with Jesus, then was Jesus tormented like Jonah was for those three days? The way Jesus was talking about trusting his…
Seeing the Face of God
Hello Pastor John!!! Studying…studying…studying…! This has perplexed me: How do I reconcile the verses of Genesis 32:30 and Exodus 24:10 and Exodus 33:11 and Exodus 33:v18-23 with 1st John 4:12????? We presume…
Your Anointing
Hi, John. We know you have an anointing to be a Pastor and Teacher for us. Some, if not all of us have been healed in some way by you praying for…
Pray before Meals?
I love this Pastor John, from your recent email: “Wait to pray until the Spirit leads you to pray, and say in prayer only what you are moved by the Spirit to…