Category: Q&A

  • When and Why Did God Give Satan Rule over Earth?

    Hi, Pastor John.  In reading December 9th’s excerpt from the Father and Son book, these questions came to mind: Question #1: When did God give Satan the Earth to rule?” ==========  We…

  • John 16:7

    Hi Pastor John, I noticed in our translation of John 16:7 that is says “…for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go…

  • Wrestling an Angel

    Pastor John,  In Genesis when Jacob was wrestling with an angel how exactly was he “wrestling”? Was it a literal physical fight or more spiritual or sicknesses? Michelle =========== Hi Michelle: Jacob…

  • What about Places in History other than the Middle East?

    Hey Pastor John, I was thinking about the world during the time of the Bible and I want to know what you think. At what point do you think that the American…

  • What Does ‘Zion’ Mean?

    Pastor John,  What does the word “Zion mean”? Leika =========  Hi Leika.  The original meaning of the word, “Zion”, is unknown.  It appears at times to be associated with fish or fish…

  • Matthew 28:16-20 “The Great Commission”

    Hi pastor John,  What does “great commission” mean in Matthew 28:16-20? Thank you, Leika ========= Hi Leika. There is no “great commission” in Matthew 28:16-20.  That is a phrase Christians invented and…

  • Jesus in Torment?

    Uncle John,  If Jonah was a figure of what would happen with Jesus, then was Jesus tormented like Jonah was for those three days?  The way Jesus was talking about trusting his…

  • Seeing the Face of God

    Hello Pastor John!!! Studying…studying…studying…! This has perplexed me: How do I reconcile the verses of Genesis 32:30 and Exodus 24:10 and Exodus 33:11 and Exodus 33:v18-23 with 1st John 4:12????? We presume…

  • Your Anointing

    Hi, John.  We know you have an anointing to be a Pastor and Teacher for us.  Some, if not all of us have been healed in some way by you praying for…

  • Pray before Meals?

    I love this Pastor John, from your recent email: “Wait to pray until the Spirit leads you to pray, and say in prayer only what you are moved by the Spirit to…