Category: Q&A

  • Colossians 2:15

    RE: Colossians 2:15: “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”  How did Jesus make a “show of the principalities and powers…

  • Are There Any Other Congregations Like Yours?

    Hello Pastor John, I appreciate all of the information that you have on your websites and your live streams.  I have a few questions for you: Are there any other gatherings in…

  • Holy Ghost Baptism

    Dear Pastor John, My name is Osmond and I found your ministry when searching for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I came to know the Lord at a Baptist church my…

  • Ephesians 3:10

    Do the principalities and powers over us know the wisdom of God by watching the congregation of God?  Is that what this verse is saying? Eph. 3:10: “To the intent that now…

  • LORD and Lord

    Pastor John, “LORD” is The Father.  “Lord” is Jesus.  So when writing about Jesus, do we write with a lower case h (example .. he ) and only use upper case H…

  • John the Baptist and Jesus

    Hi, Pastor John.  Since John the Baptist was a shadow type of Jesus and was sent only to the Jews to introduce them to Jesus, would that be the same as Jesus…

  • Conversion and Salvation

    I Would like to understand the difference between salvation and conversion. Will you please help?  Shirley  ========== Hi, Shirley. There is a great difference between “conversion” and “salvation”.  Conversion is experienced in this…

  • Knowing Satan Was Evil

    John,  Since no one really knew the Son before Pentecost, is it true that no one really knew Satan either? Wendell ​========= ​Yes, Wendell, that’s right.​ Before Pentecost, no one ​but Jesus…

  • If I Don’t Speak in Tongues

    Pastor John,  If I don’t speak in tongues will I go to hell? Erica A. ============ Hi Erica.  If you don’t obey God, you most certainly will be cast into Hell.  And…

  • John 10:29

    Pastor John:  This is your translation of John 10:29: “My Father who gave me all things is greater than all, and no one can snatch anything out of my Father’s hand.” My question is this:  In…