Category: Q&A
Colossians 2:15
RE: Colossians 2:15: “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” How did Jesus make a “show of the principalities and powers…
Are There Any Other Congregations Like Yours?
Hello Pastor John, I appreciate all of the information that you have on your websites and your live streams. I have a few questions for you: Are there any other gatherings in…
Holy Ghost Baptism
Dear Pastor John, My name is Osmond and I found your ministry when searching for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I came to know the Lord at a Baptist church my…
Ephesians 3:10
Do the principalities and powers over us know the wisdom of God by watching the congregation of God? Is that what this verse is saying? Eph. 3:10: “To the intent that now…
LORD and Lord
Pastor John, “LORD” is The Father. “Lord” is Jesus. So when writing about Jesus, do we write with a lower case h (example .. he ) and only use upper case H…
John the Baptist and Jesus
Hi, Pastor John. Since John the Baptist was a shadow type of Jesus and was sent only to the Jews to introduce them to Jesus, would that be the same as Jesus…
Conversion and Salvation
I Would like to understand the difference between salvation and conversion. Will you please help? Shirley ========== Hi, Shirley. There is a great difference between “conversion” and “salvation”. Conversion is experienced in this…
Knowing Satan Was Evil
John, Since no one really knew the Son before Pentecost, is it true that no one really knew Satan either? Wendell ========= Yes, Wendell, that’s right. Before Pentecost, no one but Jesus…
If I Don’t Speak in Tongues
Pastor John, If I don’t speak in tongues will I go to hell? Erica A. ============ Hi Erica. If you don’t obey God, you most certainly will be cast into Hell. And…
John 10:29
Pastor John: This is your translation of John 10:29: “My Father who gave me all things is greater than all, and no one can snatch anything out of my Father’s hand.” My question is this: In…