Category: Q&A

  • Satan’s Position Now

    Would it be correct to say that after Satan was cast out of heaven, he became our (the brethren) accuser?  Or did Satan become our (God’s children) persecutor? Gary ============ Hi Gary.…

  • Proverbs 8

    Dear Pastor John,  Have been studying Proverbs chapter 8.  Is this chapter talking about wisdom or about Jesus?  I am kind of stuck on this one. Truly yours, Jacob F. ============= Dear…

  • Psalm 60:4

    I wonder if the bow you can flee from (v. 4) is connected to the bow in Revelation 6:2? Damien ============  That would fit.  The sign God that has given in this…

  • The Scroll

    Hey, I read through the excerpt of the Revelation book that Stuart sent out, and I have a question.  When exactly did anyone actually read from the scroll?  We are told when…

  • “The” Son of God?

    Hey, In a recent excerpt from your book, “God Had a Son before Mary Did”, you quoted a verse from your NT translation which has demons referring to “the” Son of God. If…

  • Tower of Babel

    This is David. I have a question about the Tower of Babel. What do you think the main language was before God changed their languages? ============ Hi David! Nobody knows what the…

  • When Did the Son Know?

    Hi Pastor John. The Excerpt dated June 21, 2017 (below) caused me to wonder about something. There are hints all along the way in Psalms and other places in the Old Testament…

  • Are Angels Messengers Only

    Hey John, I was thinking today about what you said about angels being deliverers of messages only. Were the angels that ministered to Elijah after his journey and to Jesus following the…

  • 1Corinthians 14:2

    Pastor John, Is it acceptable for the body of Christ to speak in tongues during a prayer meeting to speak in tongues if an interpreter is not present to interpret? And is…

  • The Souls under the Altar

    Pastor John, I was reading what you said about the state of dead saints, that those martyrs who were under the altar of God were asking God how long it would be…