Category: Q&A
Jacob’s Tithes
Hi Pastor John, After Jacob vowed to God to pay his tithes to God if God would bring him safely back from Haran, to whom would Jacob pay his tithes to? Could …
“Cleaving to the Dust”
Hi Pastor John, In this verse when it says, “My soul cleaveth unto the dust”, does it mean my soul cleaves to nothing? That’s how I read it. What does it mean?…
Question God?
Hey, I have heard a few people lately say you are not to question God. I was wondering where that came from? I did a search online to see what others say,…
Psalm 22:20
Hi John! Reading in psalms 22:20. What does the word “darling” mean here? Thank you for your help!:0) Patty PS And, are we ” the people that shall be born”? (In verse…
The Angel in the Wilderness
After reading the Father and Son book excerpt for July 16, I had this question: So, was it the angel (in the name of the LORD) that executed the judgments of God…
Sea of Forgetfulness
Hi Pastor John, I was driving to work this morning singing along to the song about “the sea of God’s forgetfulness”. What a good song! I love that song, but most of…
Healing Leaves
Hi Pastor John, Why would we need healing leaves in this “New City” . . . Would we need to be healed of something, or, is it to sustain eternal Life? “……
Genesis Online Course
Cara and Jared were asking about the Old Testament course online. We went to to see how to download lessons and so on. I don’t know how many people have actually…
The Choice
Hi Pastor John! I felt like Jesus let me know that there are places in this walk with him that are closer than others and that we have the choice to stay…
The Angels Endured, Too
Pastor John, The last sentence of tonight‘s Father and Son book excerpt, states: “Moreover, as long as both good and evil were in heaven, the hearts of heavenly creatures were being tried,…