Category: Q&A

  • The Choice

    Hi Pastor John! I felt like Jesus let me know that there are places in this walk with him that are closer than others and that we have the choice to stay…

  • The Angels Endured, Too

    Pastor John, The last sentence of tonight‘s Father and Son book excerpt, states:  “Moreover, as long as both good and evil were in heaven, the hearts of heavenly creatures were being tried,…

  • Satan’s Creator

    Pastor John,  Considering the excerpt from the F&S book below, I have a question: Is Jesus Satan’s creator, as well?  It seems that it must be so. Jerry ============ Hi Jerry! Yes, the Son of God…

  • “Weakening Nations”

    John, What would be the primary way Satan “weakens nations”? Wendell ========== By leading them into pride. jdc John, Thanks that makes so much sense. Wendell    

  • Satan’s Greatest Acheivement

    Pastor John, I just left a construction site and in hindsight, I think this is one of the saddest things that I have ever experienced. The superintendent and I became engaged in…

  • Revelation 3:4

    John, I was going thru Revelation got to 3:4. If there were a “few names in Sardis whose garments were white,” does that mean they hadn’t forsaken the correct doctrine? Wendell =========== Hi…

  • Iron Kingdom Book (Questions)

    John, In connecting Daniel’s vision of the Iron Kingdom and John’s vision of the Beast in Revelation, it’s looking like the Beast IS Christianity and Christianity is the Beast  I had always…

  • Were They Romans?

    Were the believers Romans who eventually (over time) gave themselves to the Roman Empire, or were they just normal, common back-slidden God’s people who wanted to get involved in Rome’s politics and…

  • Michael

    Hi Pastor John: Is Michael the only righteous angel that is ruling on the Earth? It sure seems that way. Billy ========== Yes, Billy.  That is the case.  The spiritual powers that…

  • Contradiction?

    John, Good Morning: I was pondering a couple of scriptures ( below ) the other day, wondering how they fit together.  Quite often with scriptures ( more numerous than a man can number ) there are examples or seem to…