Category: Q&A

  • What Am I To Do?

    I am a believer.  I sought the Baptism of the Holy Ghost for years.  Never felt anything and became discouraged.  I believe that maybe I am doomed for the things that I…

  • “Son of Man”

    Pastor John, What did Jesus mean when he called himself “Son of man” in Mark 2:10: “So that you might know that the Son of man has the authority on earth to forgive…

  • Mark 1:24

    Pastor John, ​Since no one knew about Jesus​, how did the demons say they knew him​,​ as in Mark 1:24? Margaret ============= ​Hi Margaret! In the Father and Son book*, I deal…

  • Believing the Law and Jesus

    John. Hope All Is Well​! ​I was just reading through​ Chapter 5 ​of the Father and Son book, ​and ​I ​need help getting my thoughts in order​.​ I follow the very important…

  • Submitting to God’s Righteousness

    Pastor John, When you came out to visit Patty and Margaret and me last September, and we sat in Patty’s living room, talking, I brought up that verse from Romans 10:9, and…

  • Satan’s Motives

    Pastor John, I have a question for you about Satan tempting Jesus. ​We know that before the resurrected Son cast Satan out of heaven, Satan’s job was to report to God those…

  • How the Disciples Died

    Hey Pastor John, I hope you’re feeling well today. I have a quick question pertaining to the disciples. I was reading about St. Peter’s Basilica online and it said that Peter was…

  • Nehemiah 10:36

    Hi Pastor John, I have been enjoying reading Nehemiah, lately.  In 10:36, Nehemiah is bringing the firstfruits, tithes, on other things into the Temple, but “also the firstfruits of our sons . . .”…

  • Churches and the Truth

    Pastor John, Do you believe that there are church’s that are following the bible correct to what you believe is the truth? Eric J ========= Hi Eric! Thanks for writing. Do you…

  • Millions Wrong?

    Pastor John, Your teachings on Holy Spirit Baptism and Tongues Speaking being received by believers of God as evidence of salvation and control of sins is very astounding. Do I have to…