Category: Q&A
1000 Year Reign
Hi John, When the righteous reign with Christ during the 1000 yr reign, who will we be reigning over? Doesn’t the 1000 years start after cataclysmic events that kill most everyone? In…
Speaking in Tongues Question
Dear Sandra, Thank you for your recent order of the Speaking in Tongues booklet. I am a volunteer who helps send the booklets out and received your comment: “Is when the Spirit…
Luke 19:38
Hi Pastor John, When you were reading last night in Luke 19 and came to the part “peace in heaven” (v. 38), could that possibly be referring to the time when Jesus…
Ephesians 4:30
Pastor John, In Ephesians 4:30 it says “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. How would someone grieve the holy Spirit? Michelle…
Loving People
Morning Pastor John! Lately, I have noticed a change in me. When I was in the world, I loved people. I loved to talk to them. I loved to just be around…
Genesis 37
Hi Pastor John, In Genesis 37, it speaks of Joseph’s dream about the sun and moon, and him being over his mother and father. Who is his “mother” here? I wonder because…
Luke 8:49–56
Dear Pastor John, Thank Almighty Father for the wonderful of your meeting service of last night, and this has led me to ask some questions as per the reading from the book…
God’s Choice
Hey Brother John, During a recent meeting I gave a testimony about a relative being baptized in a river and how she rejected the truth about the holy Ghost baptism. Her rejection…
20 Pieces of Silver
The kids ask me how much the 20 pieces of silver were worth That Joseph’s brothers were paid for selling him. I can’t find that information on the Internet. Do you know…
John 3:34
What does “for God gives him the Spirit without measure.” mean? Djc ========== Hi Damien, That verse means that we either have the Spirit or we don’t. (The “him” is not there in…