Category: Q&A
Imitating Speaking in Tongues
Pastor, Hi. Is it possible that u only mimicked tongues as a child? Thank u. Jeff ========== Hi Jeff, I do not know if your question means did I, personally, mimic speaking in…
Mark 3:22-26
Pastor John, We read from the Gospel of Mark this evening , and in there, I noticed the use of the names “Beelzebub”, “prince of demons”, and “Satan”, and it stood out to me (Mark 3:22-26). (Originally, it stood…
Matthew 11:12
Pastor John, I like your translation of Matthew 11:12, especially the “being earnestly sought” – which is the 3rd definition for biazo. (The transliteration of the word found in the Greek text.)…
Hey John, I really enjoyed the meetings this weekend. The songs you sang, what sweet feelings. The tract on Stir Up The Gift Of God was wonderful too. I love the part…
Even Jesus
Hi John, What do you mean by “Even the Son came to know God by the Spirit”? Are you referring to when Jesus received the Spirit at his baptism? Patty =========== Hi…
Exodus 21:13
Pastor John, We were reading the law that was given to Moses, and when we got to this verse about a man being killed, in Exodus 21. I felt like a sledgehammer…
Jesus, God’s Son
Hi John, I have been listening to the Matthew tape, and had some questions about Satan and his knowledge. When did Satan know that Jesus was indeed God’s Son. When Satan…
Matthew 9:20-22
Pastor John, If the woman with the blood disease, in Mathew chapter 9, had said within herself, “If I could only see Him, I shall be whole”, Instead of, “If I may…
King Achish and David
Hi John, I hope this note finds you well. I have a question about David living with the Philistines. Why would King Achish allow him safe harbor, so to speak. We’re they not…
Malachi 4:5-6. #3
Yeah…. so it is one of those prophecies that has multiple (both immediate and future fulfillment), kind of like Isaiah 28 had to do with both the invaders coming in to Israel…