Category: Q&A

  • Malachi 4:5-6. #2

    Hi John, I always thought these verses from Malachi 4:5-6, also in part at least, were prophetic of John the Baptist: Luk 1:17-18  “And he shall go before him in the spirit and…

  • 2Samuel 21:8

    Pastor John, In this verse f​rom​ ​2Samuel, it speaks of Michal​ ​(Saul’s daughter who despised David for dancing before the LORD) bringing ​up ​children for ​Adriel ​the son of Barzil​l​ai.​  ​Would it…

  • Malachi 4:5 & 6

    Hi John, I was reading in Malachi this morning and ran across the two verses below. What is verse 6 saying? How will hearts be turned?  Is he referring to Elijah from…

  • Effective Prayer

    Pastor John, A recent “Pearl of the Day” br​ought up an issue I was praying about today. I have been pondering today and asking God why​,​ in some cases​,​ when I want…

  • First Borns

    Hey Pastor John, I hope you are doing well. I have a question. I was watching an animation movie on the story of Moses, and I thought of something I never thought…

  • Hebrews 2:14

    Pastor John, Hope you are enjoying the beach! I have a question about Hebrews 2:14.  “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part…

  • Acts 26:6

    Pastor John, Man . . .I was taken in by the reading of Acts – and then it stopped at 26:6!   Am looking forward to next time.  It is so good!  I’m…

  • Daniel 12: “The Daily Sacrifice”

    If ​Daniel 12 is referencing the end of time, what does it mean “the daily sacrifice will be taken away”?  I thought that was the captivity of Israel.    ​te. ========== Hi, TE! ​In Daniel,…

  • Shutting Up My Pastor

    Pastor John, I am a 71 year old believer, called by God to preach the word.  The current church or group of people I am with stress the importance of speaking in…

  • Genesis 6

    Pastor John, Started reading over your Bible translation & it is Absolutely Outstanding!  What is your belief on “the sons of God & daughters of men” found in Genesis 6? I have…