Category: Q&A

  • “The Abomination of Desolation”

    Pastor John, If you could, sometime explain briefly “The Abomination of Desolation”.  I use to think it was what Paul was referring to when I believed the Futuristic view of prophecy!  But…

  • Not Quarreling

    John, I was pondering off and on today about your comments Saturday night. It came to mind an incident you told me about years ago and wonder if this is maybe a…

  • John’s Water Baptism

    Pastor John, Was Johns Baptism simply the sign of the New Covenant forthcoming that would be fulfilled in Christ through his Spirit?? Much like the Old Covenant sign of Circumcision, this pointed…

  • Raising or Burying the Dead

    Pastor John, I don’t quite understand the Pearl of the Day.  “You’re never going to raise the dead as long as you’re burying them? Can you please explain? Thanks, Margaret ============== Hi…

  • Haman in the Father and Son Book

    Hey John, The section about Haman in the Father and Son book is so good!!  I love seeing the Son hidden in the shadows of these Old Testament stories, but I also…

  • “The Weaker Vessel”

    Pastor John Is it easier for a woman to be deceived than the man? Also is that the reason she is called “the weaker vessel”? Gloria =============== Thank you for the question,…

  • The Right Word

    Hey Pastor John, How are ya doing. We are good. Just a quick question?  Reading in acts where it reads “and the lord added to the church”. What would be the right word…

  • Re-baptized?

    Hello, Can a person get baptized a second time if your reasons wasn’t right the first time​? ​ I​’​m a Pentecostal.​ Nancy S ​=============== ​Hi Nancy, Forget water baptism.  If you have…

  • Speaking in Tongues in the Assembly

    Dear Pastor John, Thank you for your answer to my question concerning the kingdom of God and OT saints.  To your final greeting “May God bless you and all the saints there with…

  • Old Testament Saints and the kingdom of God

    Dear Pastor John, I was reading Luke 13 the other day and in verse 28 I’ve found this written: “You will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom…