Category: Q&A

  • 1 Samuel

    Hey, Leah and I were reading in 1st Samuel and in chapter 16 it mentions David playing a harp for Saul to get rid of evil spirits. In chapter 17 at the…

  • 1John 4:1-2

    Hi, Pastor John – I had a question about the translation of 1 John 4:2 that was on the first page of the “The Spirit of Antichrist” chapter that we went over…

  • “Christian”

      Pastor John, The word, “Christian” is mentioned three times in the KJV. Then, why is it evil? And if it is in the word why is it wrong? Jacob F  ======================…

  • Jacob F

    Pastor John, I do want you to know I received the Baptism and so confused at times with the so called preachers that say we must be saved before receiving the Baptism.…

  • marriage and divorce

    Name: Paul W Comments: My wife left me and there is no contact at all. she goes to church and claimed to be a believer when I married her 2 years ago,…

  • Speaking in tongues Pastor John, I have experienced in several Pentecostal churches where members were speaking “tongues” another language to me, but there was no interpreter as Paul tells us must happen.  Just trying…

  • “Pearls of Wisdom” – September 3, 2012

      What in the world does THIS mean? Yikes. ? Brad ================= That statement from my father’s sermon long ago means what James said: “Friendship with the world is enmity against God.”…

  • Lying to the Spirit Pastor John, Anna and I were reading the tract Seven Pillars this morning. Firstly I’m thankful John that you uphold your work like you do with fear and reverence for the…

  • Greek writers in Jesus’ time.

    Hi Pastor John: If I’m correct, the Romans were the authoritative power ruling Jerusalem and most of the world during Jusus’ time. Why wasn’t the original text from the Gospels and the…

  • is this in there?

    RE: Wednesday night’s reading about the Temptation. Hey! Okay, people’s image of Satan is usually with a pitchfork and tail but really that’s not how it is. Bekah asked if Satan wants…