Category: Q&A
1 Samuel
Hey, Leah and I were reading in 1st Samuel and in chapter 16 it mentions David playing a harp for Saul to get rid of evil spirits. In chapter 17 at the…
1John 4:1-2
Hi, Pastor John – I had a question about the translation of 1 John 4:2 that was on the first page of the “The Spirit of Antichrist” chapter that we went over…
Pastor John, The word, “Christian” is mentioned three times in the KJV. Then, why is it evil? And if it is in the word why is it wrong? Jacob F ======================…
Jacob F
Pastor John, I do want you to know I received the Baptism and so confused at times with the so called preachers that say we must be saved before receiving the Baptism.…
marriage and divorce
Name: Paul W Comments: My wife left me and there is no contact at all. she goes to church and claimed to be a believer when I married her 2 years ago,…
Speaking in tongues Pastor John, I have experienced in several Pentecostal churches where members were speaking “tongues” another language to me, but there was no interpreter as Paul tells us must happen. Just trying…
“Pearls of Wisdom” – September 3, 2012
What in the world does THIS mean? Yikes. ? Brad ================= That statement from my father’s sermon long ago means what James said: “Friendship with the world is enmity against God.”…
Lying to the Spirit Pastor John, Anna and I were reading the tract Seven Pillars this morning. Firstly I’m thankful John that you uphold your work like you do with fear and reverence for the…
Greek writers in Jesus’ time.
Hi Pastor John: If I’m correct, the Romans were the authoritative power ruling Jerusalem and most of the world during Jusus’ time. Why wasn’t the original text from the Gospels and the…
is this in there?
RE: Wednesday night’s reading about the Temptation. Hey! Okay, people’s image of Satan is usually with a pitchfork and tail but really that’s not how it is. Bekah asked if Satan wants…