Category: Q&A

  • Leah’s Chapter 6 questions and comments

    Hey Pastor John, I’ve finished reading through the rest of the chapter and I really love it! Reading through the second section, it’s interesting to think of Jesus and Satan both being…

  • Where is the right church?

    Dear Gary, Thank you for your email and the mp3, and the lyrics. I’m sorry that I took so long to reply. Would you please ask pastor John if he could recommend…

  • God had to?

    Hey Pastor John, I was re-reading the chpt. 6. In the section on ‘No One Knew There Was a Temptation’. As I read, a thought popped into my mind. Halfway down the…

  • Psalm 40

      Pastor John, Dee and I thank you for sending us this wonderful work As Billy said, it seems so much easier to read. John, we do have a question about a…

  • Q&A – Jesus

      Hey Pastor John, When Jesus was on the cross and he said, “Oh Father forgive them they know not what they do,” did God not forgive them? I ask this because…

  • The new birth

    Dear Pastor, Please advise the best method you know of for me to be baptized in The Holy Ghost. I have desired this gift for as long as I can remember. I…

  • web question on salvation

    Hi Beth. You wrote: Question/Comments = Rev 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of…

  • Charismatics who divorce

    Pastor John, What do think of divorce, and all these charismatic leaders who are going thru it, and they remarry? Driss, Algeria ================= Hi Driss Thank you for writing. God hates divorce,…

  • Walking in the Spirit

    Pastor John, I loved last night when you were talking about what it is to lie, to not be a stickler for words, and not to judge by what you see or…

  • Wisdom female?

      Hey, I have been reading in proverbs this week and had a question. Why is wisdom in proverbs 3:15 referred to as a she? Kind of random but I was just…