Category: Q&A
Debt question
John, I’m working on some of these pearls and the one below reminded me of a question I’ve had. Would what your father said below (I’m really just thinking about the “Get…
Hi John, Isn’t there a provision made for gifts to God’s ministers? Do you cover this in the book, and how is it different from alms? I know I’ve read or heard…
Money in the temple
Daddy ~ Where would this money have come from which was collected from the people? Would it have been money that wasn’t supposed to be collected b/c nobody knew what the law…
Good morning Pastor John, Could you please tell me about this verse: Deuteronomy 4:6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the…
Tithes and offerings questions received (The Tithes & Offerings book was published after the following blog) Look at these questions I’m getting on Isaiah 58… amazing timing! Think we have a book that could help?? I…
the Spirit Dear pastor John, Hi! For years I have been wondering about the prophets in the old testament, and the apostles when they were with Jesus, ‘did they have the holy ghost’,…
In the fish’s mouth
Pastor John, Does this “Pearl” mean that if we have been baptized with the holy ghost we’ll have a changed tongue, as in taming the flesh by what comes out of…
Pastor John, Solomon had so much wisdom given to him from God yet in the end he sinned against God by marrying foreign woman and worshipping other gods. How come his wisdom…
Worthless Flesh
Pastor John, I was thinking today of a sermon you preached once. I think you said that if a person does any good deed, without the holy ghost, they can become proud…
Why Laying on of Hands?
Dear Pastor John, There are many examples in the NT that a person received Holy Spirit baptism when the apostle laid hand on that person. I also saw it in some occasions…