Category: Q&A

  • John 10:10 – “The Thief”. . .

    Pastor John, In John 10:10 Jesus speaks of “the thief” coming to steal, kill, and destroy. Is He referring (inferring?) to Satan, the devil, specifically, or the false teachers and religious leaders…

  • Joshua’s curse

    Good morning! What words of God through Joshua are being talked about in 1 Kings 16:34 (ESV): In his days Hiel of Bethel built Jericho. He laid its foundation at the cost…

  • In Romans 2 principles of judgment

    question from website. Gary ========== Hi Brother John David Clark, Sr. Good morning. I could Not find answer of this question BELOW on your website. Could you please answer the question. In…

  • Tithe – comment from website

    Another web site comment. Gary =============== Having read the article on tithe ,whilst I fully agree with it,my wife and I are unable to pay a full 10%, because all my pensions…

  • Indonesia

    Name: Surya Tarigan comments: Dear Pastor John, In 2005 I have printed all materials in your website and still read them until now. I believe that holy spirit baptism is the sign…

  • Pearls – September 15, 2011

    John, Need help with this “Pearl”. . . Is compassion different from sympathy? Jesus had compassion, even for Gentiles. In what situation would sympathy be an “error” that might compel someone to…

  • Little Children

    I know I have not written for a while. I am still listening to your cds and I love your messages. I think Jesus Christ speaks through you. I love your spiritual…

  • Chapter 8 reading

    It has taken me 2 hours to read 8 pages of your manuscript on the father and the Son. . .because it is so GOOD. . . stopping to re-read, reflect, praise…

  • Who can judge?

    Good morning, Can man forgive sin, or God alone? What I was wanting to know is about the scripture “what is bound on earth is bound in heaven”? From what I have…

  • PJH

    Name: Jefferson comments: Hello, Pastor John my question is after recieving the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, do you need to keep speaking in tongues after ? ========== Hi Jeff. According to…