Category: Q&A

  • Affliction & Healing

    Hi pastor John, I was at a seminar today listening to a scientist at our company talk about new technologies that are being developed to image tumor cells in cancer patients prior…

  • God Protects the Tares?

    Hey there. Tonight when reading about how God is protecting the tares and the wheat, I had the thought, “Protect from what? God’s own will?” I thought of a tornado. If one…

  • Pondering Job’s Thoughts?

    Pastor John: What was Job thinking, when he mentioned the iniquities of his youth? Do you think that he pondered this was a possibility for the events transpiring ? Am I remembering…

  • 1 Cor. 7:14 Good Morning John, How does a believing spouse sanctify his or her unbelieving spouse? And also that the children become clean? In verse 1Corinthians 7:13, it states that he is pleased…

  • Scape Goat at Atonement

    John, What does the “scapegoat” in the Old Testament atonement ceremony represent? Wendell ======= Hi Wendell, I have always understood the scapegoat to represent the risen Christ. There were two goats used…

  • Satan In the Garden

    I wonder how Satan excused himself to lie to Eve, assuming he knew that God was watching him do it. I guess the serpent may not have been him, but Satan would…

  • Randell – Chapter 6

    Hi John, We really enjoyed hearing Chapter 6 tonight with the changes. It just gets better and better. We really appreciate Josiah sending us the link to Justin TV so we could…

  • Judas

    Pastor John, I have been reading the father and Son book. I was just wondering. Do you think that God forgave Judas for betraying Jesus? Is it possible that he could have…

  • Corinthians

    Hi Pastor John, I have been reading your translations, and am now reading I Corinthians. I don’t understand a few verses in chapter 3: 12. If anyone builds upon this foundation, whether…

  • Father & Son, Chapter 6 Questions

    Hi pastor John, I’ve been thinking about chapter 6 of the Father & Son book – there is too much there to take in at one sitting, but it felt so good…