Category: Q&A

  • The Yoke

    John, 🙂 In listening to the Sermon this morning I have often pondered when this scripture is quoted Ac 15:10. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the…

  • Spiritual Israel

    Do you have any information on Spiritual Israel? Star H =============== Dear Star, Thanks for your question. Yes, we have information on “Spiritual Israel” which I have attached to this email for…

  • Titus & Hebrews

    John, Good Morning: As I was reading Titus, these questions came to mind. In the following verse, who did God promise it to? Am I reading this correctly? In hope of eternal…

  • Damien’s Contact – Sister Donna

    Hey I wrote this sister last night and received these replies. It is amazing how folk can read our things and still see “saved” where it is not. Still I have answered…

  • C.H. Spurgeon

    Good Morning, I came across a quote by Charles Haddon Spurgeon and I really liked it. “Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.”…

  • 1 Corinthians 13

    Hi Pastor John, Could you please explain this verse to me in I Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, and I thought as a child, but…

  • Old Testament Vs. New Testament

    Hey Pastor John, I had a question about why demon possession seemed to have a lot of occurrences in the new testament and none in the old testament. Also, the same question…

  • Coals of Fire

    PastorJohnsHouse Blog on “Coals of Fire” Hey Daddy ~ [Concerning the recent Blog] What exactly does it mean to “heap coals of fire” upon someone’s head? Is that a reference to a…

  • Pondering on Apollos

    Good Morning Pastor John, Over last week, I had thought several times about a portion of scriptures in Acts regarding Apollos… 18:24-26, And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an…

  • 2 Questions

    Hi Pastor John Couple questions……… How do you know when to speak and when not. I don’t want to cast my pearls before the swine and do not want to be silent…