Category: Q&A
Genesis 28:22
Hi, Pastor John: In Gen. 28:22, when Jacob was fleeing his home for fear of Esau, Jacob promised God, that if God would bring him back to Canaan’s land in peace, that…
Holy Spirit
John, in your translations from the Greek text, have you found that in EVERY place where the Bible says “the” Holy Spirit or “the” Holy Ghost, that “the” is not really in…
About Unclean Spirits
Good morning. Jesus is stirring up a lot of rich, revealing prayers in me this morning. Quick question…. are demon spirits all cursed by God? …and. . . do they know that…
The Righteousness of God
Dear Pastor John, Thank you for tonight’s message. It was very straight-to-the-point, direct, and exactly, to a T, what I needed. In a world full of influences and spirits, I am very…
Women, Keep Silence!
1_Name: Bobbie 3_Comments: Explain 1 Corin 14:34, where it says “women should keep silent in the churches” =================== Hi Bobbie First thing to understand here is the word incorrectly translated as “churches”.…
SIT Questions
From HERBERT F. I was Saved in 1950 and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1953 while studying for the ministry at a Pentecostal Bible College. I am currently attempting…
OT Geography
Found a couple of interesting items… Samuel build an altar in Ramah (1Sam. 7:17)! That was contrary to the law, no? That is quite startling really. Maybe I forgot something from class…
Psalm 27:10
Hi Pastor John, Does the word, “forsake”, in Psalm 27:10, mean to die? Thanks, Billy M ============ No, Billy — at least from a purely grammatical viewpoint. That verb “forsake” is translated…
Names in the Book This is a short, simple Q&A with a man who ordered the Speaking in Tongues book in July 2009. I haven’t heard from him apart from that and now this. It…
Past Works Hey John, A question came to mind over the weekend regarding our past works. When we’re born again and our sins are washed away, what happens to the good? works we…