Category: Q&A

  • Still A Child?

    Dear John David Clark, Sr. Hi and God Bless You, I had to stop reading your book Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism just to say thank you sooo much. Page 11,…

  • Sandy’s “Special Place”

    Pastor John What is Sister Sandy’s “special place in the body” that you mentioned in a recent email? I don’t know if I fully understand what it is, and I feel like…

  • Tithe on Gross or Net Income

    Hey, I have a quick question. Am I to understand that people are not to render tithes on their gross income, but instead render tithes only on the amount that they get…

  • Psalm 5:6

    Hi Pastor John, What does the word,”leasing” mean, as used in Psalm 5:6? Thanks, Billy M ====== Hi Billy. That word means “lying”. jdc

  • Various Questions

    Hey Pastor John!! I have a couple questions……. Can a man be righteous without the Holy Ghost? =============== Not with God’s righteousness, just his own. =============== Can a man please God without…

  • Christian Like You?

    name: yousif comments: how do i become christain like this? ========= Dear Yousif If you become like this, you will not be a Christian. You will simply be a slave of Jesus.…

  • A Non-Christian Pastor?

    Name: darlene comments: hi how are you I,just love the portion “thoughts of the day”. but how can you be a pastor ,and not be a christian.thank you, darlene ========= Thank you,…

  • I & II Timothy

    Good morning, Pastor John: I have been enjoying reading your translation of I & II Timothy. I read the King James Version first, then read your translation to see if I could…

  • Psalm 1:4

    Pastor John, Are “the ungodly” in verse 4 of chapter 1 of Psalms, the Jews? Billy M ========== GCC taught us that “the ungodly” are children of God who were not like…

  • Q – Marriage and Divorce   1_Name: Tracey 3_Comments: My wife and I are Christians. 3 years ago, my wife committed adultery. I chose to forgive her and attempt to salvage our marriage. 5 months ago,…