Category: Q&A
Still A Child?
Dear John David Clark, Sr. Hi and God Bless You, I had to stop reading your book Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism just to say thank you sooo much. Page 11,…
Sandy’s “Special Place”
Pastor John What is Sister Sandy’s “special place in the body” that you mentioned in a recent email? I don’t know if I fully understand what it is, and I feel like…
Tithe on Gross or Net Income
Hey, I have a quick question. Am I to understand that people are not to render tithes on their gross income, but instead render tithes only on the amount that they get…
Psalm 5:6
Hi Pastor John, What does the word,”leasing” mean, as used in Psalm 5:6? Thanks, Billy M ====== Hi Billy. That word means “lying”. jdc
Various Questions
Hey Pastor John!! I have a couple questions……. Can a man be righteous without the Holy Ghost? =============== Not with God’s righteousness, just his own. =============== Can a man please God without…
Christian Like You?
name: yousif comments: how do i become christain like this? ========= Dear Yousif If you become like this, you will not be a Christian. You will simply be a slave of Jesus.…
A Non-Christian Pastor?
Name: darlene comments: hi how are you I,just love the portion “thoughts of the day”. but how can you be a pastor ,and not be a christian.thank you, darlene ========= Thank you,…
I & II Timothy
Good morning, Pastor John: I have been enjoying reading your translation of I & II Timothy. I read the King James Version first, then read your translation to see if I could…
Psalm 1:4
Pastor John, Are “the ungodly” in verse 4 of chapter 1 of Psalms, the Jews? Billy M ========== GCC taught us that “the ungodly” are children of God who were not like…
- Q – Marriage and Divorce 1_Name: Tracey 3_Comments: My wife and I are Christians. 3 years ago, my wife committed adultery. I chose to forgive her and attempt to salvage our marriage. 5 months ago,…