Category: Q&A
2 Samuel 24
Can you remind me? What was wrong with David taking the census in 2 Sam 24? Bekah ========== Each male in ancient Israel was required to bring an offering when a…
What Could I Do? Greetings: Thank you, Pastor John, for providing me with a copy of “Why I am Not a Christian”. I am quite satisfied with your statement, but my question is, “What…
Two Gospels
Name: Roger S comments: Hello sir, I am a person who has listened to you tracks and read brochures, which i gotten through isaiah 58 broad cast on you tube. I would…
Philippians Online
Hey Pastor John, I noticed that the new translation of Philippians refers to Jesus as “the master”. When I referred to the KJV, and the Good News I noted it wasn’t used in either.…
Coming Out I read with interest the article “Christ and Christianity.” I am happy to inform you that I love reading your writings, particularly that concerning “Coming out of Christianity”. It makes sense…
Women Wearing Men’s Pants
Name: linda m. comments: why does your woman wear pant like men do. i like to know if they are realy apostolic. =========== Hi Sister Linda. If you can tell me which…
(see: Pastor John, Regarding your BLOG concerning certain angels being over nations, territories, etc., do all angels have to have authority over the nations? ================= I would think not. There are…
PJH Question
Name: Marja comments: How do I put my complete faith in God, I feel it slipping away. =============== Hi Marja: It will help if you do as Paul told Timothy and give…
Peace and Joy Hi pastor John, Just had a question from chapter 10 of the Father & Son book. In it, you say that peace and joy are the fruit of obedience to the…
Principalities John, In reference to your blog on “Principalities”, what was Daniel saying when he wrote, “Therefore I was left alone, and I saw this great vision, and there remained no…