Category: Q&A

  • 2 Samuel 24

      Can you remind me? What was wrong with David taking the census in 2 Sam 24? Bekah ========== Each male in ancient Israel was required to bring an offering when a…

  • What Could I Do?   Greetings: Thank you, Pastor John, for providing me with a copy of “Why I am Not a Christian”. I am quite satisfied with your statement, but my question is, “What…

  • Two Gospels

    Name: Roger S comments:  Hello sir, I am a person who has listened to you tracks and read brochures, which i gotten through isaiah 58 broad cast on you tube. I would…

  • Philippians Online

    Hey Pastor John, I noticed that the new translation of Philippians refers to Jesus as “the master”. When I referred to the KJV, and the Good News I noted it wasn’t used in either.…

  • Coming Out I read with interest the article “Christ and Christianity.” I am happy to inform you that I love reading your writings, particularly that concerning “Coming out of Christianity”.  It makes sense…

  • Women Wearing Men’s Pants

    Name: linda m. comments: why does your woman wear pant like men do. i like to know if they are realy apostolic. =========== Hi Sister Linda. If you can tell me which…

  • Angels

    (see: Pastor John, Regarding your BLOG concerning certain angels being over nations, territories, etc., do all angels have to have authority over the nations? ================= I would think not.  There are…

  • PJH Question

    Name: Marja comments: How do I put my complete faith in God, I feel it slipping away. =============== Hi Marja: It will help if you do as Paul told Timothy and give…

  • Peace and Joy Hi pastor John, Just had a question from chapter 10 of the Father & Son book.  In it, you say that peace and joy are the fruit of obedience to the…

  • Principalities John,   In reference to your blog on “Principalities”, what was Daniel saying when he wrote, “Therefore I was left alone, and I saw this great vision, and there remained no…