Category: Q&A

  • 2 Corinthians Translation

    John, Thanks for the new translation!  What else can I say! I am curious, in the passage below from your 2Corinthians translation (below), was Paul be referring to what would be classified…

  • Satan

    Re your comment: “Humans do not need Satan in order to do evil.  Humans are by nature vain.  In some ways, humans would behave worse without Satan being here.  Satan’s religion restrains…

  • Jesus’ Coming

    Hi there, I started reading your article on when will Jesus return.  You mention the three signs that Christ spoke of coming to pass first; namely false teachers, wars and rumours of…

  • Wine

    did Jesus turn water into real wine or grape juice? ========== Real wine.  The guests at the wedding where Jesus made the wine would not have been impressed with grape juice. ==========…

  • Living Things

    Hey Brother John: In John’s vision of heaven in Revelation 4, he didn’t mention seeing any cherubim.  He did see four living things “in the midst of the throne and around the…

  • Nailed to the Cross

      Hey Brother John: A co-worker just sent me an e-mail about the crucifixion of Jesus.  It stated that Jesus was the only one that was nailed to a cross.  I’ve never…

  • Finding Fellowship Follow-up Well Sir, Yes it does sound a little self righteous, and maybe you’re not, but your tone can be miss leading.  I don’t agree with some of your findings, but I…

  • Finding Fellowship

      Please tell me if there is a group of people somewhere in my area that could be fellowship for me.  I live in Gulfport MS on the Gulf Coast.  My spirit…

  • President and New Law

      Bro. Clark, Share your thoughts or what you feel is going on with our current president and the new law that was just passed? Bro. Jeff =============== Hi Jeff: I refuse…

  • Seven Spirits

    Pastor John, What are the seven spirits of God? God Bless, Michelle ============= The “seven spirits of God ” are seven creatures who dwell in the very presence of God and are…