Category: Q&A
The Father and Son John: God was correct, I know, but why did he choose to hide the son? Was it so the Son could learn how to deal with every situation by acting…
Revelation Question
Hi Pastor John, This weekend was wonderful! I love listening to you teach. It amazes me, the knowledge God has given you and how you are able to bring it all…
the Pastor Johns House BLOG on “The Prosecutor” Hey Brother John: We know that Satan was cast out of heaven and can no longer accuse us before the Father, but, do you think that he still accuses us…
The Angels Hey John, After previewing the early chapters of your new book God had a Son, GOD has always been without a beginning but everything else was spoken into existence. About…
NT Issues
Pastor John I’ve got some more questions if you have the time. In Acts 15 when Peter is talking to the apostles and elders and is telling them all that God…
Predestination vs Free Will
Thanks What is your understanding of predestination mention in Romans 8:29? and what is your view of Romans 9: 1-27 your help here would be much appreciated Thanks Bishop Elect George E.…
Right Translation?
this passage is great, when i was in church religion I never saw it this way! because they teach that you have to study the scriptures “because in them you have…
SIT Book Comment Dear Vince, I really enjoyed [Pastor John’s book, Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism]; however it did raise a question. It would seem that if one doesn’t speak in tongues…
Speaking in Tongues Response for Web Comment: I have been a Christian for many years now and although I have prayed (as well as being prayed over by others) to receive the Holy Spirit with the…
Baptism Pastor John, I was reading your book on Speaking in tongues at Spirit Baptism ( ). It lead me to your web site. (The book was great) I have read over some…