Category: Q&A
web question – How do you baptize?
comments: How do you baptize? Do you believe Acts 2:38? ============= Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus, Nadine! Oh yes, I believe in Acts 2:38 with all my heart, mind,…
Lakeland Revival
Pastor John I was watching some videos on the lakeland revival down in florida….have you heard of it?…if so..what is your opinion on it…alot of people say its not of God Brandon…
What Must I Do To Be Baptized? comments: hello, what must i do to receive the Holy Ghost baptism? Do i need someone to lay hands on me to receive the Holy Ghost? can you pray for…
Oral Roberts / Sickness
Dear John, Strange coincidence yesterday. . . as I was sitting here in my chair at my computer, listening on Skype, my eyes glanced to my bookshelves, and i saw a…
A Question About Satan Hey Brother John, I was listening to one of the chapter cd’s regarding the Father and Son book today and it gendered a question. Although the Son was hidden from him,…
Romans 8:16
Pastor John Yesterday, reading Rom 8:16, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God”, the following occurred to me: If, as is commonly supposed in…
Buying Things
Hi John, I have a question. Are there ways to buy things in the spirit? Caroline ========================= Yes, Caroline. Even in the Old Testament, God invited His people to “Come buy,…
Loving Others
The Lord has graciously been blessing us with remarkable visitations lately. I am still being blessed by little Haley’s healing this past weekend in Kentucky. Here is another example…
Touching Jesus
hi pasor john, I’ve been thinking again and have a question. jesus told mary, in john 20:17 not to touch him for he had not yet ascended. However, in matthew 28:9, …
2 Sam 12:6, in The Law
John, Since you are studying the Law again, can you tell me if David, in 2Samuel 11, was basing his judgment on the Law when he told the prophet Nathan that…