Category: Q&A

  • Tares and the Man at the Wedding Feast

    Pastor John, Are the tares and the one at the marriage supper the same class of people? I thought that the tares were born again folks who didn’t choose to grow in…

  • Spirits

    Pastor John, When someone is under the influence of a wrong spirit, is this the same as being demon-possessed? =========== No, but being influenced by an evil spirit is the first step…

  • 1 Cor. 6:5

    In 1Corinthians 5:4, Paul says to appoint judges that are “least esteemed” by the congregation. It seems to contradict the next verse where he mentioned having a “wise man” among the saints.…

  • Tithes and Offerings

    Pastor John, Thank you for sending me the information on fasting. I just printed your information on tithing. The very first time I wrote to you I explained i could not find…

  • The very, very, very, beginning. really.

    I have a new question that was asked me by a Xn with whom I was discussing the Trinity, and I mentioned your book on the Father & Son. If Jesus, the…

  • “The sons of God”

    John, In Genesis, the “sons of God” seem to refer to men, whereas in the book of Job, they appear to be heavenly beings. In the New Testament, those that are led…

  • Romans 15:16-21

    hi pastor john, got a question for you. I’m reading in Romans chp 15,verses 16 thru 21. while i was reading in verse 18 it came on me that Paul was referring…

  • Rev. 12, 13: “earth and sea”

    Pastor John In relation to the distinction between earth and sea in places in Revelation (seas = people of the world, and “earth” referring to the saints), might there be anything in…

  • Father and Son Book Comment   Hey Pastor John, Thank you for sending the chapters on the forth-coming book on the Father and the Son. I’ve been reading the book this morning (I’ve got an extra…

  • “The Great Commision” Issue

    John, I was reading Mark 16. When Jesus commanded his disciples to go “into all the nations”. . . etc. I always thought that you taught that he was referring only to…