Category: Uncategorized

  • Us!

    Good morning! I have been listening to the Old Testament classes on YouTube ( and I have very much enjoyed it.  The stories and the abundant amount of truth and love, and…

  • Old Testament and Father & Son Thoughts

    John, I love the consistency and simplicity with God’s law! In the Old Testament class, we have started learning about the law and how most of it was the same before, during,…

  • Healing

    Hi Pastor John,  Thinking about today, I came to the meeting today with a bad migraine, feeling like Jesus was going to do something.  I have been asking him for faith for…

  • Thankful!

    Hi Pastor John,  I had the most wonderful feeling of thankfulness from Jesus today. It was not a human feeling.  This kind of thankfulness is from Jesus. I had been feeling pretty…

  • On Our Hearts

    “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.”…

  • Family

    Good morning Pastor John! I woke up an hour early this morning with the sweetest thoughts of this weekend. Replaying different moments with my brothers and sisters the hugs, conversations, and just…

  • Revelation Reading

    Good morning! Gary’s testimony of his dream, Darren’s new song, and especially the reading in Revelation last night was so filling; it was rich and satisfying. It’s kind of like a Thanksgiving…

  • Parking at Work Testimony

    Hi Pastor John, I wanted to write out my testimony for everyone about my parking at work because I felt I left out some details in the meeting on Wednesday. First, here is…

  • Jerry and Tom’s Comments

    Pastor John, I must watch the Wednesday night meeting that I missed because I like the comments from Tom and Jerry about the message. (See post 12/29/2016: The Message Last Night.) It’s a very…

  • 2015 in review

    The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,000 times…