Category: Uncategorized

  • Bro. John, The love of God is truly so wonderful and tender. He is showing me more and more just how much He loves His people. Its a love so tender and…

  • JOE wrote: Hello Pastor, This morning OFS and I had a bible study on the book of Matthew chapter 1 verses 18 to 25. After reading through those verses we did not…

  • Daisy C wrote: Hi John. I just have to reply to your email about Xty requiring people to pretend to believe they have the love of God when they don’t. Then, of…

  • Damien Callaghan wrote: Pastor John: Looking at that zodiac site and some others I found has shown me so clearly one truth that Satan will never allow his ministers to use. Different…

  • Damien Callaghan wrote: Pastor John Listening to the tape on 2Pet2. Thinking about speaking evil of dignities it occurred to me that Xtny doesn’t even speak true things about Satan let alone…

  • JOE wrote: Hello Pastor John, I and OFS had some bible study on Sunday the 21/10/01. OFS told me he had some questions that he would like to ask, so when we…