Anna Drane

"I received the holy Ghost at age six!"

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I received the holy Ghost November 26, 1994. I was six years old. It is hard to remember all the details of this wonderful night, but I remember a little.

We were having a get together with the people from Kentucky and North Carolina. The grown-ups were praying in a big circle. My best friend Rachel and I were sitting and watching them pray. We decided to stand next to her mom, sister Tammy, who was praying.

She asked us if we wanted to get prayed for. Knowing sister Tammy, she is a very good mid-wife. If she gets a hold of you when you want the holy Ghost, she won’t let go until you’ve got it!

Since there was such a big group and it was hard to get in it, she prayed for us by herself. She told me later that I was wiggling my tongue, but I wasn’t making any sound. She said, “Sing Anna, sing!” Soon afterwards, I got the holy Ghost along with Rachel and fourteen other people.

After receiving the holy Ghost, I remember running over to sister Leatha and said, “I shouted!”

On the way home that night in the car, I spoke in tongues silently to myself all the way home. It was a wonderful feeling.

Now, I love Jesus more than I ever have. He is my answer to any problem that I face. Thank you God!

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